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As a LifeX member, we expect you to treat the apartment as your own home. There are therefore certain actions you will be held responsible for and could be charged with from your deposit.

You are responsible for the costs of replacement/repair/cleaning of:

  1. Any damage due to intentional acts or gross negligence in any of the LifeX properties. This also includes any damages caused while intoxicated and stains on the bed/mattress, common furniture, walls or linens as a result of eating/drinking on the furniture, eg: the bed.
  2. If you invite someone over to a LifeX property, and they cause any above damage or destroy anything.
  3. If you lose your key- the full cost of changing the locks

You are NOT responsible for the costs of replacement/repair/cleaning of:

  1. Normal wear and tear on any furniture, equipment, machines, furnishings, etc.
  2. Any accidental breakage of kitchen items that are under 200DKK/30EUR/25GBP (e.g. glasses, plates chipping, etc)

When you move out

You are responsible for leaving your room in the same condition that you found it.

  1. If you paint your room
  2. If you make holes in the walls and don’t cover them properly again
  3. If there are any stains/rips on the bedding

Additionally, you will be charged for:

  1. Leaving anything of yours in the kitchen behind when you move out: 500DKK/75EUR/60GBP
  2. Leaving anything of yours in the bathroom behind when you move out: 500DKK/75EUR/60GBP
  3. Leaving anything of yours in your room behind when you move out: 500DKK/75EUR/60GBP


LifeX as a company has insurance covering loss or damages (caused by unforeseeable events such as water, fire, or theft) to content owned by LifeX (appliances, furnishings, etc). LifeX does not have insurance covering members' personal items. If you wish to insure your personal items as a member you can choose your own insurance package.

Refund of deposit

Your deposit will be refunded within 45 days of your contract end date.

Please note:

  • Your deposit will only be released once you change your address away from LifeX (can be done easily online) and have provided us with the bank details of the account so we can transfer it.
  • It can then take up to 4 business days to receive the deposit after it is released.

LifeX ApS

Wilders Plads 15D

1403 København K


CVR: 38502824



Hergestellt mit ❤️ in Kopenhagen