General contract policies
1. To book a room, you must sign a contract. Once you receive the contract, you have 48 hours to review and sign it. If we don't hear back from you during that time, we will cancel the contract and the room will become available for other applicants.
2. Membership starts on the date specified in the contract and is not based on the arrival date.
3. The booking process is complete once you sign the contract, make the first payment (first month of rent), and send the payment confirmation before the move-in date. You will receive the first invoice within 5 days of signing the contract.
There is a link to the English version of the contract in the email with the link to the contract (it is attached at the bottom of the email or linked in the message below the button).
The minimum rental period is three months. For instance, if your stay begins on April 1st, the minimum rental period ends on June 30th. Section 11 - § 2 of the Lease Agreement defines the minimum rental period.
You may terminate your contract at any time with one running month's notice, as defined in §2 of section 11 in the Lease Agreement. Our contracts always end on the last day of the month. For example, if you terminate your contract on May 31st, your lease will end on June 30th. If you terminate your contract on June 4th, your lease will end on July 31st.
Yes, our contracts our always open-ended and you still need to terminate your contract in the LifeX app to confirm your end date. Please be aware that if your stay does not have an end date in the LifeX app, your contract has not yet been terminated and our termination policies as mentioned above/below apply.
Yes, we return the whole deposit amount as long as the room is left in the same state as when you moved in excluding normal wear and tear. You can read more about which damages you are and are not responsible for in our 'Damages & Liability here.
No, you are personally responsible for the rental agreement and must sign the contract in your name. The city requires you to register at the address where you are living, and to do this, you need proof of residence in the form of a rental contract in your name.
The Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines that ensure a pleasant and respectful atmosphere across all LifeX apartments. You can find them attached to your contract or read them here.
Contract sections
The apartment is operated by LifeX on behalf of the owner, Fredensgade 39 Aps, and the contract will therefore be direct with the owner.
- The Addendum (page 1-2) is an extension of the main Lease Agreement which represents an agreement between all members in the house and LifeX, it refers to the terms agreed in the original Lease Contract which is attached at the end of the agreement.
- The Internal Tenant Agreement (page 3-7) is an agreement between all members in the house regarding the use of the apartment and the co-living arrangements you agree to. It identifies the room allocations (ie. ‘parts’), termination of the contract, and house rules.
- The Service Agreement (pages 8-14) is an agreement between your apartment and LifeX, it outlines the various services LifeX provides in Schedule 2, and the costs associated with these in Schedule 1. While joining the Service Agreement is not mandatory, choosing not to sign means what we offer you largely changes as the listed services would not longer be provided. If you'd like to learn more, please send us an email at booking@joinlifex.com"
The Lease Agreement is the tenancy agreement between LifeX, yourself, and future members of the same house. All tenants in the house are considered one party in this agreement. The Internal Tenant and Service Agreement, on the other hand, is an agreement between all future members of the house regarding the use of the apartment and the co-living arrangements you agree to, as well as the benefits you receive as a member, such as cleaning and maintenance services.
Your rent is calculated based on the portion of the total apartment rent allocated to your room plus the service fee. You can find the total apartment rent in paragraph 3 of the Lease Agreement, which is attached at the end of the Internal Tenant & Service Agreement. The percentage allocated to your room can be found in section 2.2 of the Internal Tenant Agreement (page 3). The service fee can be found in the Service Agreement under point 5 of the accession agreement (page 12).
Your monthly rent consists of three parts: the base rent, the utilities, and the services:
- Your individual base rent is outlined as a % of the total base rent of the apartment. The % can be found in section 2.2 of the Internal Tenant Agreement. The total base rent after the yearly rent increase on 1.1.2023 is outlined in the statement attached at the end of the contract.
- You can find the total utility charges for the apartment in the same statement, your individual utility charges can be calculated as follows: total utility charges for the apartment/number of rooms in the apartment.
- Your individual services charges can be found in point 5 of the ascension agreement in the Service Agreement.
You can also find a breakdown of your rent in the email you received together with the contract.
No, you can terminate the contract without the approval of co-tenants via our LifeX community app or via email to community@joinlifex.com.
In section 11 ‘Special terms’ of the Lease Agreement (page 5), it is mentioned that ‘the lease must be vacated no later than 14 days before the end of the lease, so that the lease can be restored’ and that ‘the tenants pay rent, etc. during the renovation period, however, a maximum of 14 days’. This section refers only to the end of the lease of the entire house. It, therefore, does not affect you as an individual tenant entering or terminating the lease of a room.
If you signed up through our partnership website, you do not need to take any action as arrangements have been made with your company's HR manager. If that is not the case, please provide the following details to your LifeX booking representative: company name, company email address, company address, postal code, registration number, and what should be covered.
The invoice will be sent within a week and the payment needs to be paid upon receiving them, within 24 hours.
The first payment (prepayment of the last month and deposit) consists of two parts and you will receive an invoice for both parts separately. Please refer to the bank accounts on the LifeX app or separate invoices to complete the payments.
Rent invoice:
- Prepayment of one month's rent including utilities (this will cover your last month)
- Deposit of 10.000 DKK
Service invoice:
- Prepayment of one month's service costs (this will cover your last month)
The initial invoice must always be settled with proof of payment sent before the due date and at least 7 days before the contract start date, otherwise, we cannot guarantee a timely key handover.
Invoices should be paid into the bank account specified in the LifeX app or on the invoices.
The invoice has a member reference and invoice number on it. One of these numbers must always be quoted when paying as only then your payment can be allocated correctly to an open invoice against your account.
Accepted: Bank transfers both local and international; Money transfers using TransferWise, Monzo, The Currency Cloud, Revolut etc.
Not Accepted: Credit Card Payments; Online payments; Cheques; Cash; Mobile payment
Unfortunately, we do not accept partial payments. The entire amount as stated on the invoice needs to be transferred in once and before the due date.
Monthly invoices will be emailed to you on the 1st or 2nd of each month and should be settled on the date of receipt of the invoice.
Yes, please refer to your online bank to set up automatic rent payments.
The initial invoices must always be settled and proof of payment sent before the due date and at least 2 days before the contract start date, otherwise you might lose the reservation on the room. Without proof of payment, we cannot guarantee a key handover.
Interest will be calculated for any unpaid and overdue invoices according to the local legislation.
As part of the contract signing process, we require you to upload your ID.