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Rudolf20 Kitchen (2)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (4)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (2)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (5)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (1)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (10)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (9)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (3)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (6)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (7)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (8)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (11)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (15)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (13)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (12)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (14)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (1)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (4)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (5)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (3)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (7)
Rudolf20 Balcony (3)
Rudolf20 Balcony (2)
Rudolf20 Balcony (1)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (2)
Rudolf20 Kitchen (6)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (8)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (6)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (2)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (7)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (3)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (9)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (4)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (5)
Rudolf20 Bedroom (1)
Rudolf20 Bathroom (3)
Rudolf20 Bathroom (1)
Rudolf20 Bathroom (4)
Rudolf20 Hallway (2)
Rudolf20 Hallway (1)
Rudolf20 Hallway (3)
Rudolf Exteriors (2)
Rudolf Exteriors (4)
Rudolf Exteriors (3)
Rudolf Exteriors (7)
Rudolf Exteriors (6)

Rudolf 34

Monthly price

2.425 € 2.061 €
* applies during the first 3 months, followed by the regular price. Conditions apply.

Incl. rent, utilities, furniture, maintenance and WiFi


1.000 €

Charged before move-in. Refundable after your contract ends.


2.425 €

Charged before move-in. Used as your last month's rent. Not refundable.


LifeX ApS

Wilders Plads 15D

1403 København K


CVR: 38502824

DatenschutzCookie RichtlinienSecurity policy


Mit ❤️ in Kopenhagen gemacht